Wrap These Around Your Neck

Painted Legs - photo by richard fusillo
photo by Richard Fusillo

My friend Teresa asked me to paint some legs for a “Battle of the Salons” event that her salon competed in. Here are a couple more photos that are far less fancy than the one Richard took above.

painted legs for "battle of the salons"

painted legs for "battle of the salons"

painted legs for "battle of the salons"

If you live in or around Paso Robles CA and need your hair done call my friend Teresa Bond at Salon Gloss, 805.227.6604. She’ll do you right!


3 Responses to “Wrap These Around Your Neck“

  1. ParadisoPerDue says:

    fabulous artwork Jeff!!! Teresa is back in SLO county???? Next time you see her tell her that Leah says hello!!!!

  2. ♡~:nanners:~♡ says:

    whoa! those leggers are awesome!

  3. JEFF says:

    thanks, ladies!