Jeff Claassen Paints Cell Phone Cases

* UPDATE! Jeff does NOT paint cell phone cases, but he has A LOT of them available now at

Here is the latest in hand painted cell phone covers!

Handpainted Cell Phone Case, commission

Yikes…sorry about the blurry picture! I painted the above phone cover for Chris Mead, who happens to be a purveyor of fine copys. Yes, he’s a professional wordslinger!

This next one should have been posted months ago…whoops! Yes, at times I am a total slacker.

Handpainted Cell Phone Case, commission

Handpainted Cell Phone Case, commission

So, the above phone cover was done for Ashley, whom you can stalk at

With the Christmas Rush coming to an end I would be more than happy to paint a cell phone cover for you. The price is $65. You can come by the gallery or use the contact form, which I recently set up.

You can check out the other phone cases I’ve painted on my Flickr page.

Thanks for looking!
Enjoy your Sunday!
– Jeff


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