Original Painting Available: Concerts In The Plaza

Commission For SLO Downtown Association

“Concerts In The Plaza”
16″ x 20″ – mixed media on wood
$325, plus shipping
If you would like to purchase this painting please order online at:

This painting was commissioned by The Downtown Association of San Luis Obispo in 2011. The image was used to promote their “Concerts In The Plaza” event that they put on every summer. The criteria for the illustration was that the following three things need to be in the painting:

1. Mission San Luis Obispo De Toloso
2. Music
3. Movement

The first two I think I made pretty obvious. For “movement” I had a pretty loose interpretation. Previous artists painted people dancing for movement. The whimsical lines coming off the character’s elbow and the violin were my “movement”, along with the purple “burst” behind the cross.

During the summer of 2011 this poster could be seen in the window of practically every downtown business. In the below photo I’m sitting in front of an enlarged version of the poster that was directly across the street from Mission Plaza, where the concerts take place every Friday during summer.

concerts in the plaza 2011

concerts in the plaza 2011

So yeah…I should have posted this a year ago during the summer of 2011 when this poster was all over town. Unfortunately, my procrastinating artist nature sometimes beats up my hustler nature. Better late than never, right?

Thanks for looking!
– Jeff


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