Five Things That Should Be Free On Rainy Days
I love the rain. What I don’t love is that things still cost money when it’s raining and they shouldn’t. Not all things, of course. And look, I’m not a spoiled little brat with an unjustified sense of entitlement. That’s my kids’ job. I’m just some dude that feels that we all deserve a little something during times of a downpour.
Here are five things I strongly believe should be free on rainy days:
5. Poncho’s. Yes, Poncho’s, because the rain can be a sneaky bastard. You might leave the house when it’s sunny and at some point the sun vanishes and is replaced with heavy cloud cover. Then it begins to rain and you find yourself ill equipped and pray that you happen upon a kiosk on a street corner that hands out free poncho’s. Nothing fancy. Just something to keep you dry on the long walk to your car.
4. Cup Of Soup. A hot steaming cup of potato broccoli soup. Or chicken noodle. All restaurants should offer this to any rain soaked pedestrian that enters their establishment.
3. The Movie Theater. There is no better place to escape the rain than in the comforts of a movie theater. It doesn’t matter if the movie is a shoot-em-bang-bang action thriller or an overly clichéd romantic comedy, they should all be free while it’s raining.
(photo by Coral)
2. Cocoa. This one is a no brainer. I mean, c’mon! Coffee shops and cafe’s around the globe should be offering free cocoa when it’s raining. In fact, they should all have an on-call cocoa barista that stands under an umbrella just outside the cafe’s front door handing cocoa’s to all passerby’s that need a little sweet warmth to saturate their cold throats.
1. The number one thing that needs to be free on rainy days is PARKING. Seriously, it is absolutely ridiculous that the city enforces parking fees when it’s raining. If your job is to drive one of these around,
guess what? When you see the rain start to come down, you get the day off! Nobody likes you anyway. They especially don’t like you when you leave them a soggy wet ticket under their windshield wiper.
Happy puddle splashing!
– Jeff

Sneaker. 🙂
sneaker? wha’cha talkin ’bout?