What The What! Watch My Pizza In Real Time?
I am not a regular at Domino’s and I have never ordered pizza online before. I usually just pick up a frozen DiGiorno from the grocery store when I crave pizza. Tonight, however, I just felt like having somebody else heat up the pizza for me and who better than the fine folks two blocks away at Domino’s. The site seems a little confusing, but it all pays off in the end because you get to watch the progress of your pizza in real time.
Sweet! Who wouldn’t want to watch Pete The Pizzamaker hard at work on YOUR pizza? A crazy person, that’s who! After watching Pete put the pizza in the oven and wipe down the counter a few times and then stand around with his thumb up his butt you will probably leave the computer to do something more productive (like look at Instagram on your phone), but don’t close your browser because when your pizza is done Pete makes a big announcement about it. This comes in handy when, like me, you go with the “pick up my own damn pizza” option. I really don’t need a dude to drive two blocks to my house. Also, it’s a nice time to get out of the house and listen to raunchy comedy on Pandora.