A Little Late, But Here It Is…
I film a lot of video and I’m super good at saving it to my hard drive and then never doing anything with it. And I mean SUPER good. I finally got the idea to put together a compilation video, which seems a lot less daunting than making a video for each separate event I film. I say “film” like I know what I’m doing, but I don’t. I just turn the camera on and hope I get something worthwhile. This video is a compilation from all the stuff I filmed in Decemeber, which is a fun month for obvious reasons. Elliott is pretty much the star, but when you have a 5 year old that’s just what happens. This is also a lot more personal or family oriented than the typical things I upload to YouTube, but there is more to my life than making weird paintings.
If the video below gives you trouble and doesn’t play then visit: https://youtu.be/MxFNzA-JJ_g