Something Magical Happened In Paso Robles
It was such a crazy thing to see snow in downtown Paso Robles the other night that I just wanted to aimlessly drive around enjoying the weird experience. And indeed I did. I walked around the park, took photos, froze my fingers off. People were standing outside the bars and restaurants in awe at this strange phenomenon. There is something about snow that turns a lot of us into giddy little kids and when the snow is happening in a place that hasn’t seen snow in 25 years we couldn’t contain ourselves. As I was going through town I just kept saying to myself, “This is so crazy. This isn’t supposed to happen here.” But it was totally happening, so like a little girl with a brand new My Little Pony I let my excitement run wild. After walking around the downtown park I got the idea to strap a GoPro to the front of my car and drive around a bit. I didn’t really think about snow landing on the lens of the camera, but the icy crystals produced some crazy visual effects that I hadn’t anticipated, but happily embrace. So, smoke a joint, sit back, and enjoy the ride.
– Jeff