Hello there!
I’m stoked to see that you are interested in advertising on my site. Below you will see the rates and all the other info you need to know about advertising on here. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Why should I advertise?
The Jeff Claassen Blog averages 92,000 hits a month (based on stats from the Feb-July 2012) and is growing. July 2012 showed a huge boost in traffic and August 2012 looks to be an even bigger month. My readers are a diverse group of art lovers, artists, and DIY enthusiasts.
(Screenshot of blog statistics for Feb 2012 – July 2012)
Sounds great! I’d like to advertise on your site. What do I do now?
Awesome! Here’s how it works. The ads are updated on the first of the month so you need to reserve your spot ASAP. Your ad image and payment need to be sent to me before the first of the month. Payments will be made through Paypal.
What format?
Your ad image needs to be 125×125 or 200×200 (depending on the ad spot you are reserving) in jpeg format.
Can I get a deal?
Yes, you can! If you reserve an ad spot for two consecutive months I’ll give you the third month for free.
That pretty much covers everything. If you are ready to start your ad campaign please send me a message with a brief explanation about your business/site that you plan to advertise and I’ll get back to you with more details.
Thanks much!
– Jeff