Posted on 30 Oct 2019 - 11:34 pm | by
jeff | Filed under:
What I Wore

This is the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever had in my entire life. It’s also the most expensive. I would say that with the majority of purchases you get what you pay for and after wearing these shoes for 426 consecutive days I feel that I got my money’s worth. Let’s be honest though, I got my mom’s money’s worth. What can I say, my mom likes to buy me shoes. She doesn’t buy all of my shoes, but she’s certainly purchased a fair share of them. Thanks, mom!
After wearing these everyday for 426 days here is what they now look like.

Yeah, so they’ve lost a bit of their original pristine. Now they have character…I guess? I’m not a fancy person by any means, but for the times I’ve had the good fortune to experience the finer things in life I have learned something. Quite simply, I’ve learned that it’s worth it. You get what you pay for. I’ll give you an example. I’ve been wearing hoodies for years. Yes, a lot of people wear hoodies, but I’m talking practically every single day. Day after day. Year after year. I used to buy my hoodies at Bello’s. Anybody from SLO remember that place? The hoodies were your run of the mill hoodies that ranged in price from about $19-25, if I remember correctly. One day I found myself strolling around Farm Supply (don’t ask) and I saw this amazing Carhartt hoodie. It was thick and really fuzzy inside. I wouldn’t say it was fleece lined, but something magical was going on in there. To put it lightly, it was the best damned hoodie I had ever seen. The $49 price tag shocked me and I knew there was no way I could justify spending that much money on something I normally get for half that price. Then I came to the realization that I would literally wear it every day just like I wore my other hoodies every day. There’s no reason this one would get less wear than any previous hoodie I owned. The BIG difference, besides the price, was that it fit better, it felt softer, was way more comfortable and it would last longer because it was made better. So, I bought it and it was totally worth it.

Now let’s say I wore a hoodie once or twice a month. There is no reason I’d ever pay $49 for one. I’d just stick with the cheapo ones. At this point it might be needless to say, but I wear my shoes like I wear my hoodies. Over the years there are plenty of shoes I’ve worn every day for a year straight. That’s just how I roll. The thought of wearing a pair of shoes with a $190 price tag sounded ridiculous, especially when I normally find a pair of skater shoes on sale for $50 or less.

That’s a very brutal before and after photo. Anyway, the second I first slipped my foot into these I knew my shoe wearing experience would be changed forever. These are literally the only shoes I want to wear now. That’s a bit obvious, right? I mean, I have been wearing them every day for 426 days.
Here’s the thing. I like to break down the cost of things based on how much I use them. To me, $190 is a crazy amount of money to spend on shoes. It’s probably totally normal to some and might even sound like a deal to others. Anyway, I break it down like this. Let’s say I rented these shoes on a daily basis. Wearing them now for 426 days my cost would be about 45¢ a day. That’s pocket change, people!

What’s the moral of this story? I don’t know…buy some of my artwork so I can buy more shoes. Just kidding! Not really, but yeah…
The truth is, I looked at my shoes today and thought they looked so ridiculous I can’t believe I’m still wearing them. I was planning on just posting the before and after photos to get a laugh. Then my mind just started going and my fingers started typing and now here we are.
Look, you only live once. It’s silly to deprive yourself of something that might only cost you 45¢ a day in the long run. Just go out and buy that thing you think is overpriced or hard to justify. Chances are it will be totally worth it.
Hoodies and shoes. Another banger of a blog post.
See you tomorrow…
for the last day of Blogtober.
– Jeff
P.S. – Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, the shoes are Pikolinos. I picked mine up from Seattle Thread Company. The people at STC were super awesome with over the top customer service.
P.S.S. – The model is called Palermo and I’m a size 44 (11 US). Just sayin’.