Posts Tagged ‘california’

Artisan Mural: Day One, Putting Down The Black Lines

The very first thing I painted on the wall was this heart. Everything grew out of that. Here is the wall before the heart.

Painting a massive wall like this is fun. It can be a little intimidating at first. I mean, think about it, this is a pretty big wall that can’t be missed when you walk into Artisan. A lot of people will see it, so you want it to look good. It can be very easy to overthink what you’re going to do. Because my style is very spontaneous and I like to create on the spot I find it best to not focus on the big picture. Just start with something small like the heart. Then add a couple of other details. Then a couple more. After awhile it all starts coming together. Eventually you get to a spot where it just feels right. Almost as if you might ruin it if you add more stuff. At least at this stage anyway.

The initial “black lines” stage, as I call it, is done. The next step is to add color. After that I might find that I do need to add some more characters or whimsical lines, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Then the last stage comes, which is all the detail work of going over the initial black lines and making them crisp and clean.

There was a point today when I was standing at the top of the ladder painting a cluster of stars, which was one of the last things I painted and I looked down and across the wall and to put it simply, I just felt blessed. It’s the middle of the day and I’m basically drawing on a wall like a little kid with a pack of crayons. I just feel so fortunate that people give me these opportunities. A lot of you reading this have been nice enough to buy my artwork over the years and I want you all to know that it means the world to me. If you hadn’t supported me when you did I probably would not have been on top of that ladder today painting that cluster of stars. The way I explained painting this mural is a lot like life. Trying to see the big picture before it exists can drive you crazy. Back in 2004 when I opened my gallery I didn’t know that 11 years later I’d be painting this huge mural in the nicest restaurant in town. So remember, start with a little heart and see where it takes you. It might surprise and astound you.

Sweet dreams.
– Jeff

Lots Of Claassen Artwork At Fiona Bleu In Morro Bay

If you’re in or around Morro Bay I highly suggest you check out Fiona Bleu Gallery. They have more of my artwork available than I have in my studio. A few days ago I dropped off a few more things, so they now have about 45 pieces of mine for sale. A pretty good mix of originals and prints. And of course, they have a lot of other cool art to check out. As you can see, Elliott is a big fan. Did you notice that little rug under us is made out of old fire hoses. My partner in crime, Neal Breton even has a few pieces from his ice cream truck series available.

Fiona Bleu is located at:
900 Embarcadero
Morro Bay CA

Hours: 10am-6pm everyday.

Happy gallery stomping!
– Jeff

Evelyn’s Grand Jete Over The Last Sunset Of 2014

Evelyn is obsessed with dancing. Here she is leaping over the last sunset of 2014 in Cayucos. She’s our tiny dancer. But she keeps getting bigger. She turned 13 last month. THIRTEEN. Anyway…

It was a beautiful sunset and a great way to end 2014.

Family Photo Adventure: California Valley, Carrizo Plain, Soda Lake…I Really Don’t Know What To Call This Place.

On our way to California Valley we saw pomegranates for sale with, what I call, an “honesty jar”.

I thought this was a cool sign, but I’m a total sucker for chipped paint. The unfortunate part to this sign is that this could totally be your dinner…

However, this gang of animal dinner was on private property and if you’ve ever been to California Valley I’m sure you’d agree with me that there is probably not a single resident there that would hesitate to hunt you if you were found on their property.

Don’t let the word “lake” throw you off. There was absolutely no water to be found anywhere. Leave your jet ski at home, people.

James tossing some of the crusty lake into the air. Elliott’s reaction…

Evelyn, the cartwheel queen. Her cartwheels eat your cartwheels for breakfast.


A rare sighting…Coral in front of the camera!

Please picture a skateboard under my feet or a villain’s head in front of my foot. Or both.

Elliott totally photobombed us. Classic Elliott.

Until next time!

*Oh yeah, I don’t remember exactly who took what photos. It’s a mix of Coral and I with the exception of one photo that Evy took. But here’s the thing, I’ll totally take credit for all the good ones.