Posts Tagged ‘campaign’

New Indiegogo Project: Owls, Octopi, Kitties, Fat Birds and Bunnies, OH MY!

If you haven’t seen it on FB, IG or Twitter yet, I recently started a new Indiegogo Project. If you don’t know what Indiegogo is I will sum it up briefly. It’s a crowd sourced funding site for creatives. If you know what Kickstarter is it’s the same thing with some slight variations. Anyway…

My new project is raising money to help me stay out of my stinky, clustered garage, which I’ve been using as my studio since August and into a full time dedicated studio. I’ve actually already secured the new studio, but I’m not sure if I can stay there without your help. Why? Well, it’s not really open to the public because it’s in an industrial warehouse. There is literally no foot traffic except for the people walking to the homeless shelter that’s just down the street. After years of having a retail venue of my own to sell work in this has been a big change for me. Because of that I have still worked more in my garage than in the studio. I love the atmosphere of the new place because there are other artists working in there, but to really make it work for me I need to start selling more stuff online. This project is essentially for pre-selling artwork so that I can stay in the new studio.

Here is a list of the items I’m offering:
– Postcard
– Button Pack
– Bottle Opener Keychain
– 8″ x 10″ Prints
– 4″ x 4″ Original Painting
– 5″ x 7″ Original Painting
– 6″ x 6″ Original Painting
– 12″ x 12″ Original Painting
– 18″ x 18″ Original Painting
– 24″ x 48″ Original Painting

There is literally something available for any budget. Anything helps, including just sharing a link to the project on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated.

Over the next week I’ll be posting more stuff highlighting the individual items you can order.

Check out the project at!

Thanks for looking!
And as always, thanks for you support!

– Jeff

Evy Does Not Cover Her Tracks Well

Photo of Evelyn found in my camera roll after letting her borrow my phone. My guess is she’s thinking, “I saw someone on the cover of Bop doing this, so I’m doing it too.”

Evelyn loves iDevices. Who, doesn’t though? It’s very typical that she’ll ask to borrow an iPhone or iPad to “check her Instagram”. I love Instagram and encourage the kids to use it as a means of “creative expression.” Of all the apps I’ve tried out I think Instagram is the fastest and easiest way to make something creative. It never fails that her “checking Instagram” can turn into an hour long endeavor. What this means is that she is doing a lot more than simply checking her Instagram. She gets sucked in…starts watching Tayler Swift videos, scouring google images in search of Justin Bieber photos and I don’t even want to know what else. She is basically doing everything but checking her Instagram. I might get mad, but what parent isn’t happy to have a kid occupied and out of their hair for an hour. This was exactly my scenario two nights ago. When I got my phone back there were some gems on there that I had to share.

If you follow me on Facebook you might have seen this the other day.

I’m calling it my “Embarrass The Kids So I Don’t Have To Kill Them” campaign, and I highly encourage all parents to do the same. I’ve noticed that my patience when dealing with a couple of smart ass kids has greatly increased knowing that I will just make fun of them online. It’s the whole “don’t get mad, get even” philosophy.

With that said, here are the other photos I found on my phone after letting Evy check her Instagram.

Finger mustache. It looks like she wasn’t pleased with the first version, so she added to it. The addition makes the mustache look more like a fat upper lip. Or possibly the outcome of a peanut allergy. You decide.

I’ll just take a stab here at guessing her inner dialogue.
Top photo: “Oh man…my aim sucks. This is not how throwing peace sign pics for Bop look. I better try that again.”
Middle photo: “Oh yes! You know what would look good? I’m going to make my lips look like Angelina Jolie! Sweet!”
Bottom photo: “Sideways peace sign with Angelina lips…yes!”

I find myself at a loss of words trying to figure out what her goals were when shooting this one. Showing off straps to the training bra that I don’t need. Perhaps.

Unfortunately, I taught Evelyn how to take a screenshot. Although, I guess now it’s a fortunate thing since launching my “Embarrass The Kids So I Don’t Have To Kill Them” campaign. It’s just fuel to add to the fire. Anyway, she’s always saving pics of this lady on my phone.

My guess is she uses photos of her as source material for make-up tips.

For a deeper insight into our little darling, check out Evelyn’s blog, EVYMONSTER.