Posts Tagged ‘nfts’

2022 Drop #01: Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money, NFT Collection

Kicking off 2022 with a collection of 22 “Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money” NFT’s!

Each of these NFT’s is a 1/1 minted on the Tezos Blockchain. They are available for 5 TEZ each on OBJKT.

The images in this collection were not created digitally. Each one was created as a one of a kind original art piece. All of these were made on wood panels of various sizes. I’ve used all sorts of media to make these: acrylic paint, spray paint, vinyl cut stickers, stencils, wood stain, and paper cut outs. The original pieces are all coated with a thick layer of epoxy resin. They are now available as 1/1 collectible NFT’s, which means only one of each will ever be minted to the blockchain.

I created this character back in 2004. After I drew it I thought, “this poor little girl looks like she got beat up.” There was something about her that also made me think she was a bit of a badass. Then came the title, “Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money.” Over the years I’ve used this character for numerous things. She’s been featured on buttons, stickers, keychains, hats, screen printed onto shirts, hoodies, tote bags, pillows and more. She was even printed onto underwear at one point. Around 2019 I started to make new mixed media paintings with her. Some were as small as 5″ x 7″ and some were big 36″ squares. The smaller pieces were vinyl cut stickers over an abstract background and the bigger pieces were paper cut outs adhered to the wood panel the same way a street artist adheres their posters to a wall. Sometimes the paper wrinkles, other times you find a slight rip. Personally, I love this raw and gritty aspect of wheat pasting and it also makes each piece uniquely its own. For this NFT collection I have not altered any of these images in Photoshop. I want the NFT’s to look just like their “in real life” counterparts. On close inspection you can still see these unique details.

This collection will start off with 22 different images to celebrate the new year. I’ll be adding to this collection in the future because I have a lot more paintings I’ve made using this sad little tough girl. And I’m sure I’ll be making some brand new ones in the future.

If you are new to NFT’s and are interested in starting your digital art collection you will need a “digital wallet”. I am no expert, but as far as I know each blockchain is compatible with a different wallet. This collection is on the Tezos Blockchain and for that I use Temple Wallet.
You will also need to buy some Tezos cryptocurrency. For that I use CoinBase. There are several sites where you can buy crypto, but I use CoinBase because when I got started in NFT’s about a year ago that seemed to be the industry standard.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and checking out the collection.


NFT Collection: Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money

There is a 250 character limit for the description on the page for this collection, so I made this post because I have a lot more to say than what a meager 250 character limit will allow.

The images in this collection were not created digitally. Each one was created as a one of a kind original art piece. All of these were made on wood panels of various sizes. I’ve used all sorts of media to make these: acrylic paint, spray paint, vinyl cut stickers, stencils, wood stain, and paper cut outs. The original pieces are all coated with a thick layer of epoxy resin. These images are now all available as 1/1 collectible NFT’s, which means only one of each will ever be minted to the blockchain.

I created this character back in 2004. After I drew it I thought, “this poor little girl looks like she got beat up.” There was something about her that also made me think she was a bit of a badass. Then came the title, “Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money.” Over the years I’ve used this character for numerous things. She’s been featured on buttons, stickers, keychains, hats, screen printed onto shirts, hoodies, and tote bags. She was even printed onto underwear at one point. Around 2019 I started to make new mixed media paintings with her. Some were as small as 5″ x 7″ and some were big 36″ squares. The smaller pieces were vinyl cut stickers over an abstract background and the bigger pieces were paper cut outs adhered to the wood panel the same way a street artist adheres their posters to a wall. Sometimes the paper wrinkles, other times you find a slight rip. Personally, I love this raw and gritty aspect of wheat pasting and it also makes each piece uniquely its own. I have not altered any of these images in Photoshop. I want the NFT’s to look just like their “in real life” counterparts. On close inspection you can still see these unique details. 


* To see the full “Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money” collection click here.