Posted on 12 Feb 2017 - 11:56 am | by
jeff | Filed under:
So, it’s probably around 12:30am. Evelyn and I are sitting across from each other at the kitchen table. She’s on her phone doing whatever 15 year old girls do. I’m on my computer looking through video clips trying to figure out what to post next on YouTube. Evy sees my camera on the table and starts messing around with it. Being a Canon T5i it’s slightly more complicated than the camera she is used to on her phone. She’s pushing buttons and messing around with the flip screen and then tells me to look up. SNAP! She takes a photo of me. Just one single photo. No setting up or adjusting the light or anything. Just a simple push of the shutter button. After inspecting the monitor she says, “It sort of looks like one of those portraits.” I can only assume she meant it looked like a fancy, or possibly artsy, portrait. One that you might pay a photographer to do. Here it is. Totally unedited. No photoshopping. No filters. Completely spontaneous. Straight from the horses mouth.

I really don’t feel biased because it’s a photo of me or because my 15 year old daughter took it, but I think it’s a pretty good portrait. But who am I? Let’s get mom’s thoughts. After all, she’s the real photographer in the family. Here’s what Coral had to say.
“My first thought was – I love the lighting. I love how warm it is against the contrast of your black hoodie and the dark kitchen behind you. I also think it’s funny that you two are night owls together, and it’s kind of a quick glimpse into your relationship with her. You’re not scolding her to go to bed – or annoyed by her being up at nearly 1am… you’re just letting her mess around with an expensive camera, and do something creative in the middle of the night – because that’s normal for you. I also like how comfortable you look. You can’t get a portrait like that in a professional setting, or with a stranger.”
Naturally, when you’re messing around with a new camera you have to take at least one selfie.

What can I say, this girl has skills. Also, somebody get this kid a camera!
Oh wait, we’re the parents. That’s probably our job.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff
Posted on 26 Jan 2015 - 3:14 pm | by
jeff | Filed under:

I just finished this portrait a few days ago. Painting portraits isn’t something I usually advertise, but every so often I get asked to do one. When I finished this one I was like, “Hey, these are fun to do!” And now I want to do more of them, so if you’re interested please let me know.
Here’s the source photo that Shawn sent me.

From that photo I made this sketch before I started the painting.

When I first started getting asked to paint specific things like a portrait or paint a pet I always felt the need to explain that it might not look exactly like the photo because I’ll turn it into my style, but now I realize how silly that is because turning it into my style is exactly why people are asking.
Right now I’m working on a more detailed post about commission portraits with a size/price list as well as numerous examples of past commissions. Be on the lookout for that in a day or two. If you can’t wait, no problem…just send me a message.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff
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Tags: Artwork, commission, couple, painting, portrait
Posted on 02 Nov 2012 - 11:57 pm | by
jeff | Filed under:

Our little monster has been immortalized on San Luis Obispo property (legally) by Stenzskull as part of the city’s “Box Art Project”.
I sent Stenzskull the above three photos as source material. His idea for his box was portraits of people confined within the parameters of the box. A baby seemed fitting. Especially ours since he has an obsession with crawling in boxes. He’ll even remove drawers from the dresser, drop them on the ground and then sit in it. Yeah, he’s a weirdo.

The finished product is so awesome! I’m tempted to say “epic”, which has become quite overused among the cool kids lately, so I’ll resist the temptation. Coral and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I mean, our son is painted on a freaking electrical box! It’s pretty sweet, if you ask me.
A huge thanks and shout out to our good friend and fellow artist, Stenzskull, for his amazing work. Thanks, homie!
If you want to see this in person the box is on the corner of Santa Rosa and Mill St in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff
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Tags: box art, elliott, painting, portrait, stencil, stenzskull