Posts Tagged ‘prints’

Introducing: New Mini Print Editions

Hello! I’m stoked to announce the release of these new “mini prints”. These are all 4″ x 4″ and $20 each. For you early bird collectors you can get $5 if you order now. Use code MINILOVE during checkout. This offer will end Aug. 10 at 11:59pm PST.

Offering “mini prints” is new for me and I hope you like them. They’re a fun, cute size and at $20 a piece very collectible. I also thought it would be nice to make them in smaller runs of 20 as opposed to my other editions which are 50.

“Mint Green Bunny”
Order here

“Pink Bunny”
Order here

“Follow Me Down”
Order here

“Take Flight”
Order here

Don’t forget, use your Early Bird Art Collector code MINILOVE during checkout to receive $5 off your order.

Thanks so much for your support!
– Jeff

Lots Of Claassen Artwork At Fiona Bleu In Morro Bay

If you’re in or around Morro Bay I highly suggest you check out Fiona Bleu Gallery. They have more of my artwork available than I have in my studio. A few days ago I dropped off a few more things, so they now have about 45 pieces of mine for sale. A pretty good mix of originals and prints. And of course, they have a lot of other cool art to check out. As you can see, Elliott is a big fan. Did you notice that little rug under us is made out of old fire hoses. My partner in crime, Neal Breton even has a few pieces from his ice cream truck series available.

Fiona Bleu is located at:
900 Embarcadero
Morro Bay CA

Hours: 10am-6pm everyday.

Happy gallery stomping!
– Jeff

The Jeff Claassen 3rd Annual 24 Hour Art Sale

It’s that time again! It’s the 24 Hour Half Off Sale in my online shop. This marks the third September that I’ve done this, but it’s the first time that I’ve made A BUNCH OF STUFF specifically for the sale. I made 20 new paintings ranging in size from a business card to 6″ squares. I also have a lot of new limited edition prints available.

In total there are 189 products in my shop at the moment. All of them are 50% off for the next 24 hours.

Visit the shop at
During checkout enter discount code LUCKYME14 to receive the 50% off.

Thanks for looking and happy shopping!
– Jeff

Huckleberry Market: Featured Artist September 2014

PARTY TOMORROW! Sorry about the late notice, but you are all invited to Huckleberry Market tomorrow night. I have been invited to be the featured artist for September. I’ll have about 35 pieces (paintings and limited edition prints) for sale and a table full of fun artsy merch like shirts, buttons, stickers, etc. Since losing my studio/gallery space in Paso Robles this is a good chance to see my work in person. Come party with me and the Huckleberry crew from 7-9pm. And when I say “party” that means I’ll be high on Thai iced tea. Please excuse my orange teeth. It’s not my fault, it’s the tea.

– Jeff

Black And White Artwork, The Starting Point For Just About Everything

Some of my most favorite paintings and drawings by other artists are black and white. Before I got really into painting almost all of the artwork I made was in black and white. It is, without a doubt, the quintessential color combination. And if you think about it, black and white is probably the starting point of most works of art. From preliminary sketches on paper to pencil sketching on canvas before the layers of paint are applied.

Whether you are drawing mock ups in a sketchbook for a redesign of your website, drawing plans for a future house or designing a new car, you are most likely making something in black and white.

Even big budget summer blockbusters start with a black and white storyboard.

Before opening my gallery in November of 2004 I was one of those quiet people in the corner at social gatherings drawing in my sketchbook and avoiding eye contact. I was never without my trusty Rapidograph pen and my hardbound sketchbook.

Always Be Drawing

That all changed once becoming a gallery owner because I needed to make artwork that I could sell. And selling torn pages out of my sketchbook didn’t seem like the most profitable option. I had been painting for awhile before starting the gallery, but I was still pretty attached to my sketchbook and was probably drawing a lot more than painting. So, I put my pens and sketchbooks away and dove into painting full time. Before ditching my pens for the paintbrush I would fill a sketchbook from cover to cover in about six months. It’s now been over eight years since filling a sketchbook. In fact, I don’t even remember the last time I carried one with me. Of course, I’ve made tons of paintings since leaving the sketchbook and even managed to sell quite a few of them, so it’s been a good tradeoff.

For some reason it never really crossed my mind to make black and white paintings until a few years ago. And honestly, I’ve probably only made about five of them. Although I adore black and white, colors are fun and I just can’t fight the urge to throw a little color on there.

The first black and white painting I made was “Gone But Not Forgotten”. I think I named it that as a reference to the fact that I traded in my love of black and white for painting with color.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Soon after, I painted “Reunion”.


The third one is called “Vacation” and is a lot smaller than the first two. It’s about 6″ x 6″ and the other ones are 18″ x 24″.


Then there is “Faces In The Sky”.

Faces In The Sky

My most recent black and white painting was done in March of this year and is called “Village Folks”.

Village Folks

That’s about it for black and white paintings I’ve made. I feel like there might be one or two more, but I can’t seem to find any in my files. All but one of the originals of these has sold. If you would like to purchase any of these they are all available as limited edition prints on wood. Here are some smaller versions of the images with links so you don’t have to scroll up and down this post looking for the titles.

Gone But Not Forgotten
“Gone But Not Forgotten”
5″ x 7″ – limited edition of 50
Purchase at:

5″ x 7″ – limited edition of 50
Purchase at:

6″ x 6″ – limited edition of 50
Purchase at:

Faces In The Sky
“Faces In The Sky”
5″ x 7″ – limited edition of 30
Purchase at:

Village Folks
“Village Folks”
8″ x 8″ – limited edition of 50
Purchase at:
The orignal of this one is also 8″ x 8″ and is available at Lumen Gallery in Capitola CA, (831) 607-9255.

Thanks for taking this little black and white journey. I hope you enjoyed it.

See ya!
– Jeff

Fuzzy Logic – Updated

Fuzzy Logic - updated to 8"

I’m going through the process of updating a lot of my prints so they will be bigger and badder than ever.

This “Fuzzy Logic” print is now 8″ x 8″.
Order online.
Or come by the gallery to pick one up.

Be on the lookout for more updated prints. I’m super stoked on the new 8″ square format.

See ya!
– Jeff

Enough Arts To Choke A Donkey

wall o' arts

WOW! I can’t believe I actually have all of these on my wall at the same time. This is easily the first time in the history of my shop that I’ve had this many prints on display at once. And to think, I have about 10 prints that still need to be hung up. Obviously, I have been gearing up for all the artsy gift giving shoppers. If you’re in the SLO area come on by the gallery and check these out in person. If you happen to be in the internet neck of the woods you can see all of these in better detail in my etsy shop.

All the pieces you see in the above photo are limited edition prints on wood. Prices range from $40-$60 and each one is signed, numbered and dated on the back. Also, each one is coated with a clear plastic resin for an extra durable and shiny look. Yes, it’s shiny like a yummy piece of candy.

– Jeff

Three New Goodies

I have three new 8″ x 10″ prints available! Enjoy!

8x10 Heritage
8″ x 10″ print – signed and dated on the back.
available in my etsy shop.

8x10 Gone But Not Forgotten
“Gone But Not Forgotten”
8″ x 10″ print – signed and dated on the back.
available in my etsy shop.

8x10 I LIke Candy
“I Like Candy”
8″ x 10″ print – signed and dated on the back.
available in my etsy shop.

Remember, 8″ x 10″ is a standard frame size, which means you don’t have to take out a loan to get these framed. They are all matte finish which is nice because glossy finish tends to pick up fingerprints and also sticks to the glass of your frame.

To see all the 8″ x 10″ prints I have available visit my etsy shop.

Thanks for looking!
– Jeff

Etsy Update – Switchin It Up

Meet Me Halfway

I just did some counting. Like the “1…2…3…” kind of counting. As it turns out I now have 52 limited edition prints on wood. Because I make them as they sell and the resin coating I use takes three days to fully harden I don’t always have all 52 available.

Compliments Don't Pay The Bills

I’ve decided to update my etsy shop so that all the ones I have in stock and ready to ship will be the only ones available to purchase online. This will speed up delivery. I’ve always been a speedy shipper, but there have been a few times where I couldn’t ship prints until three days after they were purchased. Folks, I am happy to say, those days are no longer!

Demetri The Curious Octopi

Of the 52 prints I make on wood I have 16 available at the moment. I’m working hard to get them all online. If there is one you’re looking for that’s not on etsy let me know and I’ll get to it as soon as possible. Check out my flickr set to see all the prints on wood that I make. At the moment there are only a few missing from that set. Well, it now looks like I’ve got some flickr updating to do today. The internet is a fun place.