Posts Tagged ‘studio’

Late Night At The Hardware Store

Oh snap! It is 11:28pm, which means I have 32 minutes to write this blog post or else I will fail Blogtober. I’m really not sweating it though because, let’s face it, I could literally click “publish” and this would be my whole post for the day. Yea! I’m a winner! Where’s my Blogtober prize?

I wouldn’t do that though because I’m not a little bitch. The truth is, I’ve been working on blog stuff and I lost track of time and am now editing photos and typing as fast as I can. So…

I’m working on a few paintings and got to a point with two of them where I did not have a color I wanted. Normally, I just roll with the punches in this situation and make the best use with what I have. I just didn’t feel like doing that tonight. Sometimes rolling with the punches is fun and inspiring because I’m forced to use something that’s not my first choice. Tonight, rolling with the punches felt more like settling, in a bad way, and I don’t want to settle. So, this blog is about my impromptu trip to Home Depot.

I left work at 9:30pm and headed to the hardware store.

Oh my goodness! Will you look at that? Have you ever seen anything more delicious?

UPDATE: It is now 11:40pm. I need to think and type faster if I’m going to pull this off. Ok, go!

I picked out two new colors and also got two colors I’ve had before that I needed more of. Check these beauties out.

The purple one is called “Wizards Potion”. How do you pass that up? You don’t! The pink one is “Strawberry Freeze” and the other two have boring names, but they sure do look great. Anyway, this was not planned out at all, but those four colors actually make a pretty sick color combination that I’m excited to use as soon as I can.

The nearest Home Depot to me is in Atascadero and it’s really hard to go to Atascadero without swinging by this palm tree place.

Now I’m back at work and ready to get some more painting done. It’s going to be a late night.

– Jeff

Oh, here’s one more shot of all the fun colors you can get at Home Depot.

Whew…that just makes my heart go pitter patter.

Ok, see you tomorrow!

The Weekly Wrap Up: Mexican Wrestling Masks, A Man Date And A Middle Finger

First off, parents are not fans of three day weekends. Having kids home an extra day is no walk in the park. School should probably be ten hours a day, eight days a week. It was much harder for Coral since I ditched out on family duties to spend some time in thee ole’ studio on Saturday and Sunday. Then today I ditched her again to watch my nieces, but I did take Elliott with me, so Coral had one very needy and demanding kid out of her hair for the majority of the day. Last week I started a Lucha Libre series. Or better put, a series of Mexican Wrestling masks. Here are the first two in the series.

“Mighty Miguel”
3.5″ x 5″ – mixed media on wood
$60, plus shipping
Available online.

“Feisty Felipe”
5.5″ x 8″ – mixed media on wood
$80, plus shipping
Available online.

In addition to the Lucha Libre masks I also finished a new blockhead owl.

“Andy The Owl”
3.5″ x 7″ – mixed media on wood
$65, plus shipping
Available online.

Enough of the, “Look at me. Buy my art…wah, wah, wah” self promotional mumbo jumbo. Here are a few other tidbits from the week. But, really, you probably should buy some artwork. I’d be super stoked, plus I have a lot of bills. Anyway…

Here’s a studio shot that I am posting as less of a self-promotional buy my stuff pic and more of a it’s just part of my life photo. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve had enough artwork to cover a wall and I spent a big portion of my Saturday studio time wiring, signing, hanging and pricing artwork.

Again, this is more just part of my life so it’s getting thrown in the “weekly wrap up” because it takes a long time to make 100 magnets.

I was super stoked to go on a man date with my buddy Justin who I haven’t seen for a few months. We are probably the first people to spend 2 hours having lunch at a Mr. Pickles. Hey look, I know I called it a man date, but don’t let your pervy imagination turn “lunch at Mr. Pickles” into something it’s not.

And, of course, you can’t pull a camera out in front of Neal without him offering up his good side. And by “good side” I mean his stubby middle finger.

Well, there you have it. I can’t recall writing a weekly wrap up before, but it might be something I try to make a habit out of.

I hope you had a great weekend. If you’re not a parent I’m sure you did. If you didn’t then you are a jerk and need a little perspective. For example, Coral got yelled at by Evelyn (our thirteen year old daughter) for asking Evy to wash a dirty cup of soup that has been in her room for at least 6 days. The conversation went something like:

“Evy, please take that cup downstairs and wash it. I’ve asked several times and it’s been there for days, which is just gross.”

To which Evy responded, “Ughhh! You guys expect us to do everything ourselves!”

And really, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Anyway…

Tune in next time for…
who knows what. I’ll be babbling about something and I can assure you it will be babbles you won’t want to miss.

– Jeff

Pack Rat Life, New ACEO’s And Some 4×6’s

Working small as of late. Sometimes working small is great because it can make you feel more accomplished. Just the act of finishing something feels good. Especially, for art procrastinators like myself with a dozen or more unfinished paintings in the studio. Speaking of studio, have you seen where I’ve been working the last month?

Yeah, I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet here on the blog, but Neal Breton and I were forced out of our Paso Robles studio by the sassy little cry baby bitches that run the joint. Anyway, I’ve been working at home in the garage, which has proved to be challenging. Somewhere in the back there is a little table that you can’t see in the photo and that’s been my work space for the past four weeks. That’s probably another reason I’ve been on this small painting kick. Anyway, for those concerned, we just signed a lease and paid rent for the new home of our Fiasco Gallery and we hope to open to the public in a couple of weeks. More on that later, including the addition of rock star artist Bret Brown to the roster. And speaking of rent…

Here are some new ACEO’s, which are business card sized paintings.

“Mini Owl”
$15, plus shipping
2.5″ x 3.5″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Mini Fat Face”
$15, plus shipping
2.5″ x 3.5″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Mini Bird”
$15, plus shipping
2.5″ x 3.5″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Mini Octopi”
$15, plus shipping
2.5″ x 3.5″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Mini King”
$15, plus shipping
2.5″ x 3.5″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

If you purchase any of these ACEO paintings I found some nice frames for them at Michael’s. They were double matted and the opening was made for this size of art/photo. I’m sure Aaron’s Brothers and other similar stores all have at least one frame that would work for this size.

And here are three new 4″ x 6″ paintings done in the same style, just bigger. These are a much more common size and every place that sells frames will have a lot to choose from in this size.

“The Salesman”
$20, plus shipping
4″ x 6″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Rebel Owl”
$20, plus shipping
4″ x 6″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

“Francisco The Bunny”
$20, plus shipping
4″ x 6″ – watercolor and ink on paper.
– click photo to order –

You can also see all my available original paintings right here.

As always, thanks for looking!
– Jeff

Hard At Work On A Tuesday Afternoon

I recently set up a makeshift “studio” in my garage. Since August I’ve done all of my painting at Fiasco, the studio/gallery I share with Mr. Neal Breton. Now I get the best of both worlds. There is something very nice about leaving home to go to work, but in other ways it’s equally nice to stay home and work. Now, like a spoiled little brat, I get both.

Random Photos From The Last Week Or So

A little friend that visits us in the new studio.

My son doing his “Look Ma, I’m a flower” bit.

Visited the Lucky B Design studio. If you need pinstriping, hand lettering, or any signage painted I suggest you hire him. He’s amazing.

Oh, how I wish Sunshine Donuts had a location in Paso Robles. I miss my Thai iced tea so much.

So stoked to finally get started on The Puzzle Painting.