Posts Tagged ‘wallet’

Behind The Scenes: Making New Wallets

This is the aftermath of a wallet making session in the studio at Viva Paso. Lots of thin strips of vinyl, art prints, and magazine clippings. There’s an art project in there somewhere in that pile of colorful debris, but I haven’t figured out what that is yet. Alternative to packing peanuts, maybe? Not really an “art project” per se, but it’s something.

This is the stage just before sewing. There are 6 layers to these wallets and I hold them all together with paper clips so they don’t slip and slide all over the place when I start sewing them.

They look so much cleaner after sewing, but the big messy stack is probably cooler to see. After this stage is when I trim all the edges off, giving each wallet a clean smooth edge.

Big news over here. I hope you’re ready for it. The classic red Hunter S. Thompson wallet that I’ve been making for years is finally available in two more colors. I don’t know why it’s taken so long, but a few months ago a customer requested/suggested making orange or yellow. He had already purchased 2 (maybe 3) red ones and he loves the graphic (obviously) but didn’t want another red one. So, I took his suggestion and made both colors. Check em out!

If you’d like one they are both available on my site now. They are $16 each.
To order click one of the above photos or just click one of these:
And, of course, the Red is still available too.

And if that’s enough, I also added two new Card Cases to the selection.

This one is called “Fluffle”, which is great word you don’t hear too often. A fluffle is a group of bunnies and who doesn’t love a group of bunnies? Nobody, that’s who! Crazy talk, I tell ya.

This one is called “Let’s Kick It.” The card cases are $13 each.
If you’d like to order one just click one of the photos above or use these links:
Let’s Kick It

As of right now I only have these 2 designs for card cases, but I have over 30 wallet designs. Here’s just a few of them from the batch I made the other night.

You can see all of the designs right here. Also, I almost don’t like to admit it, but January was sadly the worst month Viva Paso has ever experienced, so if you order a wallet it would be very much appreciated.

And before I forget, I would really love to get these wallets into some other shops. I’ve done wholesale with these in the past and would really like to get more involved in that world. So, if you own a shop or work at a shop or know any store that might be interested in selling these please let me know or send them my way.

Email or send me a DM on Instagram: @jeffclaassen

Thank you so much for your support!
– Jeff

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Wow…you aren’t bored out of your eyeballs yet? That’s fantastic because check this out. You can now follow me on TikTok. I’ve been uploading a lot of quick time lapse painting videos on there. At the longest they are only 60 seconds, which is a bit easier to swallow than some of the YouTube videos I upload. Happy watching!

Kickstarter Update: New Rewards Added

I am so incredibly excited that my project has been fully funded. Although, now that it is fully funded it no longer feels like my project. It is now OUR project because you are the ones that have made The Puzzle Painting become a reality. Because of that I have decided to add a couple of bonus rewards in limited amounts. What are the new rewards? I’m glad you asked. I’ve added card cases and wallets using the same graphic that’s on the T-shirt. Check it out…

“Let’s Kick It Card Case”

“Let’s Kick It Wallet”

There are only 20 available for each. Hopefully, they sell out in 10 seconds like a Taylor Swift concert. Oh wait, I’m not a pretty young blonde that sings pop love songs.

If you’ve already backed the project and would like to add one of these to your pledge simply add $12 for the card case or $17 for the wallet. There has been some confusion with backers changing their reward when they decided to add an item to their pledge. Trust me, it’s much easier to keep the same reward and just add the extra amount. Also, just so you know, the reward you choose is not set in stone. Once the project deadline happens and the funds are released I will send out a survey asking you exactly what you’d like. If you have any questions please visit the project page and send me a message.


Thanks Everybody!
– Jeff

Now Offering Handmade Wallets With YOUR Custom Design

I’ve been making wallets for awhile now and from time to time people have asked for custom ones with their own graphics. I’ve done a few, but it’s never been something I’ve advertised…until now!

I am offering three different options.

custom wallets now available
If you only need one wallet for yourself or to give as a gift then this is the best option. Some gift ideas are a favorite photo (pet, family, band), drawing, painting, funny slogan, etc. Have fun with it.
$24 each, plus shipping.
For more info or to order please visit:

custom wallets now available
The Six Wallet Package: This is also a great option if you want a couple of wallets for yourself or to give as gifts. If you are interested in reselling your wallets this is good option to get your feet wet. I sell my own wallets for $16 each. This package won’t give you the best markup, but if you just want to experiment with reselling before investing in the bigger package it’s a good place to start.

$10 each, plus shipping.
1 design, 6 wallets.
For more info or to order please visit:

custom wallets now available
The Twelve Wallet Package: This is the best option available if you plan to resell your wallets. I’ve had no problem selling my own at $16 each. If you have something to promote like your business, band, artwork, photography this is great way to get your name out there. Give them away to select clients as a useful promotional gift (as opposed to something they throw in a drawer for six months and then toss in the garbage), resell them at events or online, or simply give them out as presents to friends and family.

$8 each, plus shipping.
1 design, 12 wallets.
For more info or to order please visit:

Here are a few samples of custom wallets I’ve made.

custom wallets for ambission clothing

custom wallets for howard forbes

custom wallets for andy mold

Here are examples of my own designs to show you some different ideas of what you can do with a wallet.

Dayler Wallet - Fuzzy Logic

"keeping watch" - new wallet!

Dayler Wallet - Elliott Smith

Dayler Wallet - A Plethora Of Liberty Statues

Graphic Design, which could be better described as me just messing around with Photoshop:
Dayler Wallet - Space Guns Reversal

Dayler Wallet - 8mm

If you would like some wallets made with your designs let me know. And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Please use the Contact Form or leave a comment on this post.

Thanks much!

Hunter S. Thompson

I made a new wallet for the Dayler line!

Dayler Wallet - Hunter S. Thompson

Yep, Hunter S. Thompson!
$15 each, more photos and purchase info at