Posts Tagged ‘donuts’

Man Time At The Donut Shop

man time

James and I ditched the family tonight. What better place to go than to a donut shop? Even though we both had headphones on it still somehow felt like quality time. It’s not too often we leave the house just the two of us. We had a great time and didn’t get home until 11:30pm. I worked on some iPad doodles and I think James mostly watched Avatar: The Last Airbender. Personally, I’ve never seen an episode, but James is pretty obsessed. We don’t have cable, so the only chance he has to watch it is when Coral lets him borrow her iPad.

First Day Of School For 2012

Lots of “first day of school” photos popping up on the ole’ internets. So, I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon with that. Here are James and Evy getting a sugar high before being dropped off at school where the only thing they will learn today is what all their friends did during summer.