Kickstarter: Like Eddie Murphy, We’ve Got 48 Hours


That’s right, our deadline countdown has turned from “days to go” to “hours to go” and we’ve got 48 of them, just like Eddie Murphy.

If you’d like to help out in making the project happen here is a list of goodies available to purchase, all of which will go towards bringing “The Puzzle Painting” to life.

– Digital Badges
– Bottle Opener Keychain
– Sticker Pack
– Greeting Cards
– T-Shirt
– Card Case
– Wallet
– and of course, the actual original paintings that will be The Puzzle Painting. Available in the following sizes:
– 4″ x 4″
– 6″ x 6″
– 8″ x 8″
– 12″ x 12″
– 16″ x 16″

The project has been fully funded for a couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean to stop contributing. The $4000 goal is the minimum amount needed to make the project happen. Anything extra will just make the project all the more awesome. If you haven’t already, please check out the video to learn more about The Puzzle Painting.

There is A LOT more info on the actual Project Page.

And check out this fancy widget to see where the project stands right now, in real time.

Please spread the word about this project by posting this link:
throughout your social media outlets like facebook, twitter, tumblr, google+, pinterest, your personal blog, etc.

Thanks, Everybody!!!
– Jeff


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