Two New Paintings, A Sketchbook Spread And My Ultimate Crush

A few days ago I showed you some works in progress and I am happy to report that they are now completed and ready for your viewing pleasure. Two of them are even ready to hang on your wall. You know, if you’re into kinky stuff like that.

“Love Each Other”
5″ x 7″ – mixed media on wood
$100, plus shipping. If you’d like to purchase this painting you can place your order right here.
BONUS! Use code EARLYBIRD to get 20% off this painting. Offer expires at noon on Jan. 15.

And now a little story. For some reason I really wanted to write “love each other” on this painting, which is strange because off the top of my head I can only think of two paintings I’ve made in the last 4-6 years with words in them. And one of them doesn’t count because it was my sister’s name on an iPad cover I painted for her. I’m not exactly sure why, but I’m just not that into using words in my art. I probably should though and after making this one I feel like I might add it to my repertoire. The thing is, I have awful handwriting. I also have this self imposed rule not to sketch on my paintings first and to just dive in with paint, ink and a paint brush. I’ll admit, I have made a few exceptions, mostly on commissions where I was asked to paint something very specific. In other cases, but not often, I might sketch with a pen or brush on a scrap paper just to get the feel for how to put the line down before I try it on the actual painting. Forming muscle memory, I suppose. When it comes to writing text I over analyze and scrutinize every little detail, which is silly because that totally takes the fun out of it. But, when you don’t do it often it just feels awkward. Check out my scrap paper for writing “Love Each Other”.

That’s just ridiculous. I felt like a neurotic little girl writing my name over and over again with the last name of whatever boy I’m crushing on. Let’s just call him Jake Ryan. We love each other, damn it! He just doesn’t know it. Yet.

My other painting is a new “fat bird”, as I lovingly call them. Most of my fat birds are 4″ squares, but this one is an 8 incher. I really love the wood grain in this one. I was tempted to paint a border around the image, but decided not to because I wanted as much wood grain to show as possible.

“King Of The Castle”
8″ x 8″ – mixed media on wood
$120, plus shipping.
If you’d like to purchase this painting you can place your order right here.
BONUS! Use code EARLYBIRD to get 20% off this painting. Offer expires at noon on Jan. 15.

Have you heard of the Early Bird Special yet? Sometimes when I put new things up in the shop I offer 20% off for the first day or two. These are one of a kind originals and once they’re sold they are gone forever. If you happen to purchase one within the first day or two that I have it available I think you deserve a little something, which is why I started doing this. Be sure to use the code EARLYBIRD during checkout and you will get 20% off these paintings. This code is also valid for the three new paintings I posted a few days ago.

And last, but not least, here is the full page sketchbook spread. It took a couple of days for the spray paint to lose some of its stickiness.

Years ago when I was obsessed with drawing in sketchbooks I never would have thought to spray paint in one, but I like it. This Moleskine paper can take a lot of abuse and the paint didn’t even bleed through at all, which is awesome.

As always, thanks for looking!
– Jeff


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