Posts Tagged ‘card case’

Kickstarter Update: New Rewards Added

I am so incredibly excited that my project has been fully funded. Although, now that it is fully funded it no longer feels like my project. It is now OUR project because you are the ones that have made The Puzzle Painting become a reality. Because of that I have decided to add a couple of bonus rewards in limited amounts. What are the new rewards? I’m glad you asked. I’ve added card cases and wallets using the same graphic that’s on the T-shirt. Check it out…

“Let’s Kick It Card Case”

“Let’s Kick It Wallet”

There are only 20 available for each. Hopefully, they sell out in 10 seconds like a Taylor Swift concert. Oh wait, I’m not a pretty young blonde that sings pop love songs.

If you’ve already backed the project and would like to add one of these to your pledge simply add $12 for the card case or $17 for the wallet. There has been some confusion with backers changing their reward when they decided to add an item to their pledge. Trust me, it’s much easier to keep the same reward and just add the extra amount. Also, just so you know, the reward you choose is not set in stone. Once the project deadline happens and the funds are released I will send out a survey asking you exactly what you’d like. If you have any questions please visit the project page and send me a message.


Thanks Everybody!
– Jeff