Posts Tagged ‘hipstamatic’

Elliott And His New Playpen

One of the nice things about the fancy phones of today is that if you can’t explain, in words, to your mother what her grandson is doing you can simply text her a photo.

And she can quickly respond saying how cute he is or adorable or funny, but in this particular case my mother responded with “Your dad says it’s a Redneck Playpen.” Which I would take over “cute” any day.

Family Photo Adventure: San Miguel, CA

I forgot to post these, but a couple of weeks ago we went on a little adventure in San Miguel. Not much going on there, but we did find an awesome gas station that’s been converted into a coffee shop. This first photo is the only one I took in downtown San Miguel. All of the other photos were taken at the Mission. For some reason I was really obsessed with doors while we were there. Enjoy!

For those interested, Coral took control of our fancy Canon for the day, so all of my photos were taken and edited on my iPhone.

Thanks for looking!
– Jeff

Signs I Liked At The Mid-State Fair In Paso Robles This Summer

Equipment used:
iphone 4, Hipstamatic, Snapseed

Just Another Day On The Ranch

Elliott rockin’ the fierce nap time bedhead while checking out the enormous amount of hay his grandparents have.

Photos From A Little Bike Ride Last Sunday

The target.

The climb up.

The catwalk.

The lookout.

The climb down.

The getaway.

Eskimo giving my ride the cutie eye.

Dirty puddle reflection in combination with the Dali lens makes for some crazy photos.

Thanks for looking!
– Jeff

Salvador Dali Lens From Hipstamatic

@hipstamatic retro packs on sale for $.99 each. i just got pack 1 which included the salvador dali lens. here it is in action. no filters added. also, hipstamatic does not pay me or give me free stuff to promote them...but they totally should. just sayin'

As you know, I love Hipstamatic. Almost every photo I take with my iPhone is taken with Hipstamatic. Last weekend they had a promo for their “Retro” Paks. I totally splurged. In the world of apps and “in app” purchases the term “splurge” means I spent about $3. Not bad. The Dali Pak was included in one of the offers, so I snatched it up. If I had to sum it up I’d say it turns your photo into some sort of surrealist photo. Duh, right? The outcome is totally random. The results make for pretty interesting imagery. Some of them work, some of them don’t. You can take four photos of the same exact thing and end up with four totally different images. I like it because it’s like making an abstract painting, but you know, without all the mess. Here are some of the photos I’ve taken with it over the last few days. Enjoy!

downtown slo. corner of marsh and chorro. @hipstamatic dali lens and edited with @snapseed


selfie in art nerd shirt. no apologies for my latest dali lens addiction. i blame hipstamatic for it.


Also, I don’t get any money or free product to constantly promote Hipstamatic. Not yet. Of course, I totally should. Hint hint, big wigs at Hipstamatic, I’d totally rock the Hipsta Kid shirt in a Dude’s size Large. Please send it to:
The Claassen Gallery
774 Marsh St
Suite D
San Luis Obispo CA 93401

Thanks much!

Recent Photos From My Phone

Just taking some drinks to the party. No big deal.

skating with my baby.

evy skating

this girl is awesome.

love happening upon some @mnkr_brand in SLO town!

seeing this just made my day. thanks, pilo!

A Late Night With The Other Nocturnal Family Member

late night chillin' with pascal.

Pascal moved into my work studio a couple of weeks ago. We now keep each other company during the day and on these late night painting sessions. I’ve never been a pet person, but Pascal really won my heart. I mean, look at that smooshed up little face of his…seriously.

My night

This cart has really made my life easier. I love having all my supplies in one space. And it’s mobile so I never have to leave my chair. It’s a perfect marriage of artist laziness and workaholic effectiveness.

My night

Tonight, I’m finishing up the “Welcome to…” portion of this sign for Batch, a local ice cream sandwich shop. Very tasty and I highly recommend checking them out. The next step to this project is a 4′ x 6′ sign. I keep referring to it as menu board, but it’s not so much a menu board as it is a “call to action” board letting customers know the proper steps on how to order. More on that in a future post.

My night

Never a night goes by without music. I’ve been super into Hip Hop and Pandora (Kid Cudi Radio) ever since I got out of my Girl Talk, All Day phase. Seriously, I listened to that for months. With over 300 samples from so many genres of music it really is hard to get bored with.

And there you have it. That’s my night.

Sweet dreams!
– Jeff

My Lady And My Baby

Some photos from the last few days.

my lady
Coral asked me to take some photos of her for her latest blog post. I really liked this one because the idea was that she would be covering her face with the book, but I got a little sneaky and took this in between “book closed” and “book open” shots. Also, she liked it enough to use it in her blog post, but our edits of the photo are totally different, which is fun to see.

my lady and my baby
Mom and son just strolling down the sidewalk.

my lady and my baby
That is not a monkey on her back. It’s a bear. Grrr!

my baby
Elliott eating an orange right off the tree. Hey, why not? I almost didn’t post this because I am very critical about feet being cut halfway off. It’s like, “Hey! Couldn’t you just tilt the camera down a teensy bit to get the toes in there?” Contrary to popular belief, I’m not Annie Leibovitz.

Thanks for looking!
– Jeff

A Trip To The Cayucos Skate Park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

cayucos skate park

Gear used:
iPhone 4

Thanks for looking and happy skating!
– Jeff

Photo Booth With Evy And Elliott

I was scrolling through apps on my phone and opened up IncrediBooth, which I haven’t used for months, and I found this photo from March.

photo booth

I love the look and feel of photo booth pictures. You’d think that an iPhone app wouldn’t be able to compete with a real photo booth, but I beg to differ. It looks the same to me. And it’s right in your pocket ready to go.

– Jeff

iPhoneography Contest Time

I’ve entered a couple of photos in the recent Hipstamtic contest. This time around it is sponsored by W Magazine and the theme is “transformation”.

The winner will shoot a story for’s Street Style channel, as the W editors’ favorite entry.

10 runners up will win a limited edition copy of W The Forty Years book signed by W’s editors. Runners up will be determined as 5 entries with the most Facebook votes and 5 entries chosen by W editors.

Winning either of these would be super awesome. This is where I get down on my knees and beg for you to take time out of your busy schedule to vote for me. I’ve entered two photos and, of course, being a cocky artist (I’m not really, I swear), I think both of them have a good chance of winning. A quick glance at the Leaderboard tells you that the “transformation” theme has been loosely interpreted by most entrants. Also, a lot of people have not stuck the requirement of using the limited edition W Mag HipstaPak lens and film that is currently a free download from the Hipstamatic app.

Both of my entries happen to be photos of James who, coincidently, happens to be transforming right before our eyes. He just started seventh grade a few weeks ago and has taken to sagging his pants embarrassingly low and the shaggy hair jetting out from under his ball cap seems to have grown overnight like a weed in the garden.

“Young Chef In Training”
Ranked #38 at time of posting this blog.

To vote click on the photo or go to At the bottom of the page click the FB “Like” button. Once it posts to your FB page the vote is counted. Voting for this photo ends tomorrow (Sept. 19, 2012) so if you are going to vote please do so as soon as possible.

I think this photo couldn’t fit the “transformation” theme any better. It’s not often you see a twelve year old wearing a chef’s coat and working in a kitchen. What could be more transformative than putting on a uniform? It puts you in a different mindset and makes you feel much more professional. And I’ve got to tell you, James took himself much more seriously wearing the chef’s coat while helping out in the kitchen. I should mention that this photo wasn’t staged at all. This is the scene I walked in on when I entered the kitchen a few days ago. I simply told him to turn around from whatever task he was working on so I could snap a quick photo.

“Bubble Blowing On Sunday Afternoon”
Ranked #187 at time of posting this blog.

To vote click on the photo or go to At the bottom of the page click the FB “Like” button. Once it posts to your FB page the vote is counted. Voting for this photo ends in four days (Sept. 22, 2012). Of course, the sooner you vote the better.

I think this photo also fits the theme perfectly. A bubble is in a constant state of transformation. As is the sun in the background.

Thank you for indulging in my dream of winning a photo contest. It is much appreciated.

– Jeff