Claassen’s Radiator Service
I love that this place exists.
– Jeff
I love that this place exists.
– Jeff
I can see this becoming an ongoing series of mine. I have already amassed A LOT of photos of Coral taking photos. Some might consider it an unhealthy amount. Others might consider me a stalker. She is much more the photographer in the family than I am, which means she gets to use the fancy camera. Although, since investing in the GoPro I’ll have to admit I’m feeling pretty fancy lately.
Another thing I’ll have to admit is how cute she looks with a camera in her hand. I mean, Dang! She is one hot little cutie! One of the things about Coral that you might not know is that she transforms into a totally different person when she gets a camera in her hand. I’ve seen the transformation take place numerous times and it never gets boring to me. I love watching her work.
I’ve learned that once she’s in her element it is best to step back and let her do her thing. If you get in her way you get trampled, so be on the lookout.
These photos were all taken back in October after spending a day in Cambria. Highway 46 is a gorgeous drive from Paso Robles to Cambria. It can get pretty windy up there, but on a clear day you get a spectacular view of the Pacific and can even see Morro Rock off in the distance. If you find yourself on this drive I highly suggest stopping by Jack Creek Farm and trying one of their delicious Apple Cider Slushies. So good!
Coral doesn’t know I’m writing this and I might get in trouble for it, but oh well…I’m going to say it anyway. She is totally available for photography jobs. I know she won’t do a wedding, but she’s totally up for product shots, possibly some candid style portraits and of course, fashion photography. If you’re interested in hiring her contact her through one of her IG accounts or let me know and I’ll pass on the message.
Check her out on Instagram. She has two accounts at the moment. Her personal account with lots of photos of our kids and some other random stuff. Her professional account. Since May 2014 it is mostly photos of her deer series, which is totally worth checking out, but if you scroll down past May you will see some of her fashion photography.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff
Hopefully, you are all familiar with Coral’s “You Don’t Belong Here Anyway” Series. If not, check it out on Instagram, @deeries.
I am the driver on these urban safari’s, but from time to time I bust out my iPhone and take photos too. Yesterday was the first time we’ve taken a guest with us other than our screaming 3 year old and our overly talkative 12 and 14 year old. And who was our guest deer hunter? None other than local badass, Richard Fusillo.
Coral and I discovered this field right off the road where the lighting is just crazy beautiful. This photo is totally unedited because shooting during “The Golden Hour” is almost cheating.
Sadly, this baby deer died in somebody’s front lawn. I guess Coral gets the lively shots of deer and this is what I get.
No photo adventure with Richard is complete until he gets to shoot an abandoned building in a state of total decay.
I’m not against hopping a fence either. Here’s a double exposure I got of Richard in his element.
Here’s a shot Coral got of me with all my fancy camera equipment.
And, of course, the long shadow selfie.
– Jeff
I forgot to post these, but a couple of weeks ago we went on a little adventure in San Miguel. Not much going on there, but we did find an awesome gas station that’s been converted into a coffee shop. This first photo is the only one I took in downtown San Miguel. All of the other photos were taken at the Mission. For some reason I was really obsessed with doors while we were there. Enjoy!
For those interested, Coral took control of our fancy Canon for the day, so all of my photos were taken and edited on my iPhone.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff
On our way to California Valley we saw pomegranates for sale with, what I call, an “honesty jar”.
I thought this was a cool sign, but I’m a total sucker for chipped paint. The unfortunate part to this sign is that this could totally be your dinner…
However, this gang of animal dinner was on private property and if you’ve ever been to California Valley I’m sure you’d agree with me that there is probably not a single resident there that would hesitate to hunt you if you were found on their property.
Don’t let the word “lake” throw you off. There was absolutely no water to be found anywhere. Leave your jet ski at home, people.
James tossing some of the crusty lake into the air. Elliott’s reaction…
Evelyn, the cartwheel queen. Her cartwheels eat your cartwheels for breakfast.
A rare sighting…Coral in front of the camera!
Please picture a skateboard under my feet or a villain’s head in front of my foot. Or both.
Elliott totally photobombed us. Classic Elliott.
Until next time!
*Oh yeah, I don’t remember exactly who took what photos. It’s a mix of Coral and I with the exception of one photo that Evy took. But here’s the thing, I’ll totally take credit for all the good ones.
I made the mistake of taking advantage of the “2 Western Bacon Burgers for $5” deal going on at Carl’s Jr. Seriously, who in their right mind eats two of those things in one sitting? Oh, me! Duh. Keep in mind I ate these delicious disasters between 2:30-3:15pm. It was a late lunch. When I got home at 5:30pm Coral was making dinner and by serving time, thirty minutes later, I was still feeling quite hamburgered and had to skip dinner, but I did sit at the table because I’m a family man. An empty plate sat sad and lonely in front of me waiting to serve its purpose and do its job, but that time never came. Despite not eating I somehow was the last person to leave the table. On the verge of passing out from lack of sleep and overabundance of Western Bacon Burger in my belly I found myself staring blankly into the cooper pot that sits on our dining table. I somehow convinced myself that what I witnessed in the reflection of the pot needed to be documented. Obviously, it didn’t need to be, but food intoxication got the best of me.
It’s 9:38pm now and I’m still not hungry. You know, although Carl’s Jr. is the opposite of healthy, $5.40 to stay full for this many consecutive hours is impressive on some level.
See ya!
– Jeff
A little friend that visits us in the new studio.
My son doing his “Look Ma, I’m a flower” bit.
Visited the Lucky B Design studio. If you need pinstriping, hand lettering, or any signage painted I suggest you hire him. He’s amazing.
Oh, how I wish Sunshine Donuts had a location in Paso Robles. I miss my Thai iced tea so much.
So stoked to finally get started on The Puzzle Painting.
The target.
The climb up.
The catwalk.
The lookout.
The climb down.
The getaway.
Eskimo giving my ride the cutie eye.
Dirty puddle reflection in combination with the Dali lens makes for some crazy photos.
Thanks for looking!
– Jeff